Macquarie Bank Term Deposit Rates


Macquarie Bank Personal Term Deposit Rates

Macquarie bank term deposit rates usaMacquarie bank term deposit rates 2021

Your clients will be able to view their statements online once issued. This depends on the statement cycles which differs based on the product.
Cash Management Accounts
By default, your clients will receive their cash statements in half-yearly cycles. They can change this though if they want statements more frequently. The options for statement deliveries are:

  • Half Yearly: January-June; July-December
  • Quarterly: January-March; April-June; July-September; October-December
  • Monthly.

Macquarie Bank Limited

Statements are available online the day after the last day in the statement cycle. This includes weekends. Statements are also available online for up to ten years. Your client can elect to receive hard copies of their statements via the post. Please note that fees may apply for hard copy statements.
For more details see
For more information about statements, see Do clients receive tax statements and statements via mail?
Cash Management Accelerator Accounts
Your clients will receive their Accelerator statements in half-yearly cycles by default. They can change this if they want to receive statements quarterly or monthly instead.
Term Deposits
Your clients will receive their half yearly term deposit statements by mail. These are sent out every 6 months at the end of June and December.
IDPS Accounts
Your clients can access their annual and quarterly statements for their Wrap Investment accounts online.
Quarterly statements are available online by the end of the month following the financial quarter. That is the end of January, April, and October each year. Annual statements are available before the end of July.
Superannuation and Pension Accounts
Your clients can access their half yearly report and annual statement for their super and pension accounts online.
As an adviser you can view and download your client’s statements through Adviser Online. However, you won’t be able to change their statement preferences.

Macquarie Bank Term Deposit Rates Singapore

The term deposit rate is the agreed interest rate for your term deposit. It remains fixed for the term of the deposit. For example, if you deposit $5,000 for 12 months at a 2.5 per cent term deposit rate, that 2.5 per cent. All deposits to a Macquarie Term Deposit account are made via direct debit from a nominated bank account. The direct debit and nominated bank account are established during the account opening process. Additional deposits can be made on the maturity date.